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Virtual Annual Conference

In response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, and the Book of Discipline mandate to engage in the business of the Annual Conference every year, the Oklahoma United Methodist Church Annual Conference will be held virtually the weekend of November 20-22. A majority of the business for the Annual Conference will take place on Saturday, November 22nd from 9am-3pm. A special moment of emphasis will be toward the end of the morning session, around 10:30-10:45 where all of the retiring clergy will be honored, including our former Senior Pastor, Adrian Cole. On Friday we have our yearly clergy session and then on Sunday, at 5:30PM we will have our commissioning and ordination service at Church of the Servant. Once again, in response to the pandemic protocols in place, that service will have limited attendance and will be broadcasted virtually. This year’s commissioning and ordination service will be a special one since our Senior Pastor, Jay Smith, will be ordained during this service. 

Annual Conference is the time of business and celebration for the many things taking place in and through the United Methodist Church in Oklahoma. If are interested in taking part in Annual Conference as an observer or would like to join in at any point throughout the weekend, we will be posting a link as it comes available in the next month. 

November 15

Deck the Halls

November 22

Pastor Jay Smith’s Ordination Service