adult discipleship



among friends

Meeting in Room 106

The Among Friends Women's Sunday School Class, would like to invite women of all ages to join us every Sunday morning at 9:45 am in Room 106, as we gather together to study God's word and live life together. We eat together, study together and pray together. Our current study is The Gospel of Matthew by Ben Witherington. If you are a woman looking to connect to a Sunday morning class, consider dropping by on Sunday morning. We'd love to see you!

Leader: Sherrill Bull


women’s bible study

Meeting in Fireside Room

Come join a faith-filled group of women for Bible Study on Monday mornings at 9:30am on June 3, 10, 17 and July 1, 8, and 15.

We all yearn to be truly known and deeply loved. While we can find profound connections with others, there remains a space in our hearts reserved for the perfect love of Christ. But what does that perfect love truly entail? How can we foster intimacy with a God we cannot see? What if we struggle with feelings of Unworthiness? How can we respond when our faith is tested and our sense of security in Christ is shaken?

Join us as we explore a study by Lisa Harper called Perfect Love. Lisa uses the Song of Solomon to dig into those questions and more. Though romance and marital love are typically associated with this book, Lisa takes a Christ-centered approach to illustrate how this ancient love story is relevant to our life and relationship with Jesus today. As she brings clarity to the text and as we watch real-life stories from other women, we will learn how to embrace God's perfect love and realize our own beauty and worth in God's eyes. 

All women are welcome!


wednesday morning bible study and prayer group

Wednesdays - 10 to 11:30am | Room 107

Leaders: Jane Ellen Weaver | 405-818-8089

Vickie Brinlee | 405-205-7560 


Cali Eck

associate pastor | (405) 562-3212