adult discipleship
among friends
Meeting in Room 106
The Among Friends Women's Sunday School Class, would like to invite women of all ages to join us every Sunday morning at 9:45 am in Room 106, as we gather together to study God's word and live life together. We eat together, study together and pray together. Our current study is The Gospel of Matthew by Ben Witherington. If you are a woman looking to connect to a Sunday morning class, consider dropping by on Sunday morning. We'd love to see you!
Leader: Vickie Taylor
wednesday morning bible study and prayer group
Wednesdays - 10 to 11:30am | Room 207
Leaders: Jane Ellen Weaver | 405-818-8089
Vickie Brinlee | 405-205-7560
monday morning bible study
Meeting in Fireside Room
Join us to welcome the New Year digging into God’s word, beginning January 6 at 9:30 am in the Fireside Room. Luke In The Land by Kristi Mclelland is a 7-week study taking us by video to the Holy Land. Kristi is passionate about discipleship, teaching people how to study the Bible for themselves, and writing about how God is better than we ever knew by explaining the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens.
You may purchase the study guide at Mardel, other Christian book sources, or on Amazon.
Monday Moms Group
Meeting in Hospitality Room
Join the Monday Moms group on Monday mornings at 10am starting January 13th to experience caring fellowship as well as the study of God’s Word. They will be studying the book I Want to Trust You But I Don’t by Lysa Terkeurst.
We’ll look at moving forward when you’re skeptical of others, afraid of what God will allow, and doubtful of your own discernment. Join us as Lysa shows us how to deal with our skepticism and distrust so we can heal from past betrayals and move forward with strength and resilience.