nc students


sunday mornings

Sunday School | The Commons

9:45 am

On Sunday mornings we want to give students a space to connect with each other and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Students gather to build friendships, play games, hear a biblical teaching, and have conversation about the mornings teaching. Afterwards, we encourage students to go worship together at the 11:00 Modern Service.

wednesday nights

Midweek | The Commons

6pm Doors Open & Dinner | 6:30 Total Group Starts

School Year | On Wednesday nights, our goal is to help students know Jesus and make His love known everywhere. We do this through fun experiences, real relationships, relevant and challenging messages, authentic worship, and prayer.

Programming starts at 6:30 but the doors open at 6pm. Students can hang out together in the cafe, play video games in the Commons, or play games in the gym. At 6:30 we gather in the Commons for worship and teaching and then break into age/gender based small groups.

Summer | Wednesday nights in the summer are all about connecting with friends and exploring faith. Each week we gather for games and bible study. Programming starts at 6:30 but the doors open at 6pm.


Join us for a transformative Fall Retreat as we team up with St. Andrews Church for an enriching experience! This retreat is a unique opportunity for students in grades 6-12 to step away from their daily routines and dive deeper into their faith. Our theme is “Deeply Formed,” where we will explore five key practices that help us align our lives with Jesus' teachings. Discover how to slow down, connect more deeply with God, and embrace a life of purpose and meaning.

Dates: November 15th-17th
Location: Camp Oakridge
Cost: $159
Theme: Deeply Formed

2025 NC Students Ski Trip

We are so excited for the Ski Trip in 2025! We believe that through shared experience community is created, fostered, and strengthened. This trip provides a great opportunity for students to connect and have fun with each other as we look to build deep community in a healthy, Jesus-centered environment. Within the registration form is a cost breakdown and further details of the trip!

$625 Participant Cost

$60 Ski Lessons (Highly recommended for first-timers!)

One added benefit for this trip is that we now have the capability for you to set up a payment plan within the registration form! The $100 deposit is due upon registration, and by selecting the “Pay in Installments” option. You will be led through creating an account, then you can set up your plan how to make it work for you.

We will also be doing a raffle fundraiser in January that can go directly towards the balance for the participant, so we highly encourage you to be a part of that if you desire!

There is a cap of 24 students for this trip, and it is first come first serve for spots, so please register ahead of the deadline of December 15th!


contact nc students

Jonah Grisham

director of student ministries

(405) 562-3207 |