nc students
sunday mornings
Sunday School | The Commons
9:45 am
On Sunday mornings we want to give students a space to connect with each other and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Students gather to build friendships, play games, hear a biblical teaching, and have conversation about the mornings teaching. Afterwards, we encourage students to go worship together at the 11:00 Modern Service.
wednesday nights
Midweek | The Commons
6pm Doors Open & Dinner | 6:30 Total Group Starts
School Year | On Wednesday nights, our goal is to help students know Jesus and make His love known everywhere. We do this through fun experiences, real relationships, relevant and challenging messages, authentic worship, and prayer.
Programming starts at 6:30 but the doors open at 6pm. Students can hang out together in the cafe, play video games in the Commons, or play games in the courtyard. At 6:30 we gather in the Worship Center for worship and teaching and then break into age/gender based small groups.
Summer | Wednesday nights in the summer are all about connecting with friends and exploring faith. Each week we gather for games and bible study. Programming starts at 6:30 but the doors open at 6pm.