prayer ministries
The mission of the Prayer Ministry at New Covenant is to mobilize and disciple people and to provide prayer opportunities so they may come into communion with God. Listed below are the different Prayer Ministries at New Covenant.
Participate with many other people in intercessory prayer for the needs and concerns of others by internet. PrayerNet distributes prayer concerns automatically through the internet via e-mail using a Google Group. If selected by the person making the request, prayer requests entered in our Prayer Request form go to members of New Covenant’s PrayerNet email list.
his hands
This team joins in prayer for requests made through the online Prayer Request Form, New Covenant’s PrayerNet, the Prayer Phone Line, and the Prayer Boxes located throughout New Covenant’s facilities. Every Wednesday evening this team prepares the Worship Center for Sunday morning services by arranging items, such as the prayer request cards, within the pews and praying for the needs of those who will be sitting in each seat the following Sunday. This team also writes notes of hope and encouragement to persons on the prayer list each week. It’s a great team that grows together by encouraging and supporting each other while becoming friends (and having a lot of fun in the process).
upper prayer room
Pray in the upper prayer room above the Commons on the east side of the Worship Center on Sunday mornings. Email Bonnie Cates for more information, bonniecates209@msn.com.
weekly time of prayer
Our weekly Time of Prayer will now take place in the Worship Center at 11am on Thursdays each week. Our hope is to focus on listening to God during that time, so we hope you will join us in person, or spend time in prayer on Thursday mornings with us.
24 hour prayer room
Need a special quiet place to talk with God anytime, day or night? New Covenant has a prayer room located on the far southwestern corner of Building 200 with a keypad access. The access number is 4-3-1 as in Acts 4:31.