adult discipleship
Small Groups
We have a range of groups that meet during the week that vary by age, life-stage, and class topic. Look through our list to find the right group for you.
emerging adults small group
Tuesdays | 7pm | NC Café
We are young adults in our early 20s that meet to study scripture together. We are currently studying John Wesley’s Plain Account of Christian Perfection so that we can all grow in our faith together. We also have fun events once a month! Follow us on Instagram @nccollegeministry for the latest updates.
Lauren Hagner
healing hearts community
Wednesdays | 4:30pm | Room 208
Healing Hearts Community is a warm and welcoming space for everyone seeking comfort and connection. Maybe you have experienced a recent loss or have lived a long time with grief. This group is for you. The group meets on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30PM- 5:30PM.
We ask that you register for the class at the link below
Leader: Amber Hocker
ahocker@newcov.tv | 405-562-3203
the bible explorers
Wednesdays | 6:30pm | Room 201
This ongoing Wednesday evening group is a multi-generational, inclusive group who want to draw nearer to God through Bible Study, Commentary Study, and class participation. They aim to learn how to disciple others, to thrive in this world and to defend their faith.
Do you have questions about biblical principles, scripture meaning or things you see or hear in Church? This group does, too! They believe the correct role of a Christian, is a student so they welcome questions and encourage open discussion.
Childcare is available with RSVP to kmartinez@newcov.tv.
Leader: Kyler Kanady
kyler.kanady@gmail.com | 405-628-7778
monday moms’ group
Mondays | 10am | Hospitality Room
Join the Monday Moms group on Monday mornings at 10am starting January 13th to experience caring fellowship as well as the study of God’s Word. They will be studying the book I Want to Trust You But I Don’t by Lysa Terkeurst.
We’ll look at moving forward when you’re skeptical of others, afraid of what God will allow, and doubtful of your own discernment. Join us as Lysa shows us how to deal with our skepticism and distrust so we can heal from past betrayals and move forward with strength and resilience.
Leader: Debi Collett
debcollett24@gmail.com | 405-822-4151
women’s group
Wednesdays | 10am | Room 207
This ongoing group of faithful women meets every week to pray over the week’s prayer needs and to study together.
Leaders: Jane Ellen Weaver: janeellen@cox.net | 405-818-8089
Vickie Brinlee: Vlynnb616@aol.com | 405-205-7560
adults (50+)
1st Thursday | 1:30pm
The first Thursday of the month, these singles and couples meet for discussion and fellowship, usually at Johnnie’s on 33rd Street!
Leaders: Bill and Leslie Parks
couples (50+)
Twice a month on Sunday Nights | Room 102
Couples who gather to go deeper in their walk with Christ through study and service, learning as much from each other as their studies. Contact Debbie for start date and more info.
Leaders: Rickie and Debbie Conrady
adults (60+)
Third Sunday of the month | 5:30pm | Room 108
The PALS (Pray And Love Servants) is a group of singles and couples who meet together for study and fellowship.
Leader: Louise Glass: LGlassFP@gmail.com