Church, we have been praying for the Lord to ready us for the Harvest around us that is plentiful! As part of this, we want to make Baptism a regular celebration in our Church in a MAJOR WAY. I am excited to tell you that on Sunday, October 15, we are having another Baptism Sunday!
During our services we will be baptizing anyone who has not been baptized but is ready to make the public profession, OR any child who has not been baptized.
Here’s how you can respond:
1. If you haven’t been baptized but would like to be baptized, let us know!
2. If you have a child who hasn’t been baptized but they, or you, are ready to make a decision to commit them to the life of Christ, let us know!
3. SHOW UP AND GET A LITTLE UNDIGNIFIED. We want this to be a celebration so make a plan to be there as we worship and celebrate and party all wrapped into one.
Baptism is a huge part of who we are. We want to make sure that we communicate the power of the sacrament in a way that glorifies God and unites the body. We can’t wait for our fall 2023 Baptism Sunday to get here!
If you're interested in baptism, please contact Amber Hocker at or 405.562.3203 today!