We’d love for you to sign up to serve this summer to help with VBS! We will need Station Leaders and Crew Leaders. VBS is a great opportunity to invest in our children’s lives and show them how great God is!

Monumental VBS will take place from 9am-12pm, Monday August 1st through Thursday August 4th. We need everyone's help to make this a successful and impactful ministry for all of the kids that come!

All volunteers over the age of 18 will need to have a current background check on file with or Children's Ministry. If you're new, you can print one off or pick one up at the NC Kids Check In Desk on any Sunday morning. See Jen if you have questions, or to check about renewing your documents. Students who are entering 6th through 8th grade are able to volunteer as helpers. High School students are also able to serve as helpers or crew leaders. Please use the form below to sign up each individual who will serve and indicate if you would like to pre-order a VBS shirt. If you prefer to serve with your green Kid's Serve shirt, that is also fine.

All volunteers will need to attend a volunteer training. We will hold training for adult volunteers Wednesday July 20th at 6:00 pm. There will be a special student volunteer training after church Sunday July 24th. Mark your calendars for those VIP dates. Thanks for being a part of our Monumental VBS.


sign up to volunteer

If you want to preorder tshirts, you can pay online by clicking the button below and selecting VBS as the Fund option.