Partnering with parents to help build families of faith.

nc kids


sunday mornings


We have Sunday School for infants through 5th grades starting at 9:45am! We spend the hour playing and learning about God’s love!


During the 11am worship hour, we have Children’s Church that is designed specifically to help your kids connect with God!

wednesday evenings

Wednesday evening programming has ended and will return in the fall.

Be on the look out for special summer offerings for kids and their families.


all through the week

Sign up for our parent emails and follow our Instagram to see daily prompts with activities and conversation starters to help your family grow in their faith at home! Follow us on Facebook for updates and reminders on NC Kids events!

There are weekly lessons from the Parent Cue App that can keep your family learning and applying the Bible lesson they hear on Sunday mornings!

VBS 2024

June 24-27

Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party! That's why we believe God's love and the Gospel of Jesus is the greatest news ever! Come join us for the BEST week of the summer at New Covenant VBS, where we will Start the Party of celebrating the good news of Jesus.

our curriculum


252 Kids is the curriculum we use for NC Kids. The name comes from a verse in the Bible that describes what Jesus was like as a child:

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” – Luke 2:52

The curriculum is based on helping children grow in the same way Jesus did:

  • In Wisdom

  • In Faith (favor with God)

  • In Friendship (favor with man)

252 Kids is more than just a curriculum, however, it’s a strategy. It’s created by Orange, an organization dedicated to helping churches serve families as best they can.

When the church as the light of the world (yellow) works in partnership with the love of the home (red), you get orange.



getting to nc kids

Our NC Kids Building is on the north east side of our church building. The easiest way to enter our building is to park near the circle drive and enter in through the double door entrance under the awning.

check in and registration

When a child gets checked in by their parents, they receive a personalized name tag with their name and a personalized ID number. An ID tag with their child’s name and number will also be given to the parents. At the time of departure, parents MUST present the ID tag in order to pick up their child. Once the numbers have been matched, the child may be released to their parents.

FIRST TIME FAMILIES fill out a Visitor Registration Form so we are aware of any allergies or health concerns. You can find this at the check in desk in the NC Kids Building. Please be sure that all diaper bags, cups, etc. are clearly labeled at the time of check-in.

safety procedures

Screening is required for all of our volunteers working with minors. Each volunteer is required to complete an application and give signed authorization for a Criminal Records Check.

nc kids ministries


bible blast

Bible Blast is a scripture-based, parent driven program for kids four years of age to fourth grade. It gives your family an opportunity to get in God's word together throughout the week and celebrate what you've learned on Sunday afternoons at 12:30pm in the NC Kids Building.

children’s day out

Children's Day Out (CDO) is a childcare ministry with the goal to give each child the loving care and guidance children need in their formative years in a safe and secure environment.


contact nc kids

Cristina Hughes

director of children’s ministry

(405) 562-3242 |